Saturday, April 29, 2017

Year of the Monkey

I know, I know, it's the Year of the Rooster, or as I like to call it, Year of the Chicken.

In 2016/17 I ran a mail art call for Year of the Monkey because I myself am a monkey.

You can see the wonderful contributions on the Year of the Monkey Mail Art blog.

As my good friend Eva wrote to me, 'Now you will always be getting monkeys'. I only half believed her, but I think she is right. (Another friend, Heleen, told me that Eva should always be believed - I'm finally on board, Heleen!) And thanks to Eva for helping me decide what Y is for.

Here's the evidence - a monkey on an envelope from Elena.

Is there something your friends/family associate you with, even though you feel you have moved beyond it?

Also, should I have another call for Year of the Earth Monkey in 2028?


  1. I'm a rabbit but people don't associate me with that, only my stubbornness which I don't think there is any symbol for that, is there?

    have a lovely day.

    ~ my Y post - yada yada~

  2. Such a cute drawing. I'm a pig, they say:)
    Y is for Yellow

  3. In zodiac terms I am a dragon and an aquarius (stull cherish the dragon you once drew for me!), but my parents used to name me 'muis' (mouse) when I was very young. Later they told me it was because of their first impression at my birth, they thought me having beady eyes (?, don't know if the English translation gets what the Dutch 'kraaloogjes' meant).

    1. Glad you still like that dragon. Interesting beady-eyed mouse story.

  4. Looks like a fun monkey to receive. I am not sure what I am most associated with by those around me. I guess that means I am not still trying to push past an outdated idea.

  5. The truth is that I can not see a monkey anymore without thunking of sending it to you :-) I always have to restrain myself.

    1. I am glad that you are exercising restraint. Eva now thinks the same way (she restrains herself, too).

  6. Good question, Philip. I think I outgrew the color purple when I was 9 years old, but my family didn't realize it until ... well, my grandma never realized it. Kinda funny how things like that happen. Good observation!

    1. I think I'll take monkeys over the color purple.

  7. Now I see how my e-mail inspired you...

    1. Yes, as soon as you sent me the word 'year' it was so obvious what Y should be for.
