Monday, May 23, 2016

Eric Mondays - part 3

I was looking for various ways to contribute to Eric's 50 theme, and noticed that some organizations celebrate their 50th anniversary with special pictorial postmarks.

The first one was the Highland County Historical Society, located in Hillsboro, Ohio. At the time I didn't notice the date was 2015, but it certainly made for a nice giant sized 50 on the envelope.


  1. Replies
    1. I have been keeping an eye on the pictorial postmark section of the postal bulletin (issued online every two weeks, here's the current edition link ). Basically you send your stamped envelope inside another envelope to the appropriate address, they apply the pictorial and put it in the mail stream.

  2. Replies
    1. Yes, I use these envelopes for nice things like pictorial postmarks, and TFP of course.
