Saturday, December 31, 2016

New Year's Eve

I wanted to thank all the people who have sent me mail, and who have commented on and stopped by the blog.

If all has gone according to plan, this will be the first year when I have posted every day - we'll see if that continues in 2017.

And as it is the last day in December, here's a flashback to an animated version of one of my favorites in 2015 that I recently found.


  1. the animated stamps are so cool. Too bad, that couldn't happen on a real stamp. Hapy New Year, Finn. Looking forward to the envelope goodness you share in 2017. Have a Happy and Creative New Year

    1. Perhaps one day in the future we'll see digital stamps that can do this. Thanks for your new year wishes!

    2. There are some Spanishh stamps with a QR code that lead you to a video.

    3. That's cool! I don't think USPS has done that yet.

  2. Kudos to you for every day postings.

  3. Happy New Year to you -- wishing you another year of good mail.
