Sunday, March 2, 2025

Alice and Friends

 Today's Sunday Stamps theme is famous women.

Eva sent me two women on this envelope made from a calendar page.

The women featured are:

María Bernaldo de Quirós Bustillo was the first Spanish woman to obtain a pilot's license - in 1928. You can read a little bit more about this aviation pioneer on her wikipedia page. Iberia airlines named one of their planes after her.

Hildegart Rodríguez Carballeira was a social activist, a feminist, and writer. She was a prodigy who coud read at the age of two, spoke four languages by the age of eight, and finished law school at seventeen. Sadly she died aged eighteen, shot to death by her own mother. You can read more about her unconventional life on her wikipedia page

Although fictional, Alice from Lewis Carroll's novels is even more famous.

The third stamp features the date 8 March, International Women's Day.

For links to more famous women on stamps, visit See it on a Postcard.


  1. Awesome stamps and interesting history. Fun Alice postcard. Alice is so timeless

    1. Alice's appeal is universal, isn't it. The novel is 160 years old this year, has never been out of print, and has been translated into over 170 languages!

  2. I was recently listening to a podcast about Hildegart Rodríguez Carballeira, and it was shocking. Now I see there is also a recent film, that I will probably watch :)

    1. I am impressed that she was the subject of a stamp - quite an impact in her short life. The film sounds interesting.

  3. Nice stamps and interesting lives, what a tragedy one was cut short. As Alice was inspired by a real girl (Alice Liddell) I definitely think that counts unfortunately she did not have adventures in wonderland; or did she?:)

    1. I wasn't expecting that part when I was reading her story. I didn't know Alice was based on a real person - I suppose we've all had adventures in wonderland, even if it was just our imaginations

  4. yeah, not all mothers qualify for sainthood - poor Hildegart

  5. Beautiful stamps and the stories of the women. (I love that envelope) :-)

    1. Thanks to Eva for the combination of envelope and stamps, and I think for introducing me to Sunday Stamps a long time ago.

  6. Nice to learn about women new to me. I love the envelope! I see cute envelopes and postcards and forget to even notice my paper and food box potential!
