Saturday, March 15, 2014

Lundi Lettres - Mail Monday 1

Came home Monday, March 10th to a great selection of envelopes, including 3 from France.

Eric Bruth sent me an envelope made from a magazine page, inspired by my blog. Some photgraphs make for very interesting envelopes - the woman's gaze makes me wonder what she is thinking. I think there was another stamp on this one. I like the way Eric writes the number 4.

He also runs some interesting mail art projects, including Frogs of the World - more on that in a subsequent post.


  1. Yes I confirm there was a stamp also on the left. It seems I'm not very lucky and I can't get something reaching you without being damaged! What is strange in this one is that I put a lot of glue to make sure the stamp won't fall (this new French definitive stamp does not adhere very well and I have already seen some of my letters arriving without stamps). I can hardly believe it fell by itself. Must have been removed by someone during the transport.

    1. Interesting observation about the new French definitive stamps. Now that you explain how you glued it, it does not seem very likely that it got caught in the machines.

      Certainly, the interesting things that happen to mail in transit is all part of what makes mail art interesting - at least it made it here, and the main image is not disturbed. It is a striking photo - she is looking straight into my eyes every time I look at the envelope.

  2. I think someone wanted that stamp very badly...the envelope is still lovely.

    1. I agree - lovely. And it fits with my own interest in envelopes with faces - I have quite a few in my homemade set.
